Tour Groups Visit Kokomo

Visitor spending is economic development.  Whether visitors are passing through Kokomo on their way to another destination, visiting friends and relatives, or in town to take part in a meeting or a tour group, people are coming to Kokomo to enjoy our community and spend money. 

A  group of 31 people from Lafayette are in Kokomo today for a tour around the city.  They will visit the Kokomo Opalescent Glass Factory, Elwood Haynes Museum, Highland Park (where they will meet Old Ben – the World’s Largest Steer), Seiberling Mansion, and the Kokomo Automotive Museum.  These are truly a few of our community treasures that share our local history and heritage with visitors. 

Group tour at the Elwood Haynes Museum

Group tour at the Elwood Haynes Museum

Another tour group from Westerville, Ohio will be in Kokomo next week for a 2-day tour.  Groups come from all over Indiana and the United States to visit our city.  Three groups from Ohio and a group from Illinois are coming later this year and a group from Iowa is coming in April 2010.  The Kokomo area is rich in heritage and sometimes we (as residents) forget what our community has to offer and how much fun others have visiting our city.                 

Each year tour groups come to Kokomo to visit our attractions, eat in our restaurants, and spend money on gifts and souvenirs.  Sometimes these groups are large and bring a motorcoach bus with 50 people, and sometimes the groups are small clubs or church groups visiting Kokomo with 20 members.  For groups staying overnight in Kokomo hotels, evening entertainment and dinner can be arranged to give visitors the full Kokomo experience. 

Tour group enjoys dinner with the cast of "The Wedding of Emma Seiberling"

Tour group enjoys dinner with the cast of "The Wedding of Emma Seiberling"

The Kokomo Visitors Bureau offers free assistance to groups planning tours.  We can help plan an itinerary based on the group’s interests, block hotel rooms, provide step-on guides, and make all necessary reservations and arrangements to make your trip as smooth as possible.  We want our visitors to have a great experience during their visit in hopes they will return again and again. 

Do you have a group that you want to bring to the Kokomo area?  Contact us to find out how we can help!  Call 800-837-0971 or email

3 thoughts on “Tour Groups Visit Kokomo

  1. Thank you for your wonderful comments about Kokomo on your blog. You also posted some great photos! Thanks for sending us a link!

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