Kokomo CVB Sign Grant Program Assisting Downtown Businesses

Pepperwhistle Bakery & Cafe

Pepperwhistle Bakery & Cafe

New signage is popping up around Downtown Kokomo.  Local businesses are partnering with the Greater Kokomo Visitors Bureau’s Perpendicular Sign Grant Program to enhance business signage, as well as the look of Downtown.  The grant program is designed to offer financial assistance to downtown businesses wishing to install perpendicular or blade signs to storefronts to increase visibility to visitors and residents and improve the quality of place.  Up to 50% of the total cost of sign production and installation may be granted up to a maximum of $1,000.

Pepperwhistle Bakery and Cafe and the Law Office of Corbin King have both installed perpendicular signs this spring after receiving grants from the Greater Kokomo Visitors Bureau.  Both signs were designed and installed by Huston.  For more information about the sign grant program, call (765) 457-6802 or visit our website.

Law Office of Corbin King

Law Office of Corbin King

Downtown Kokomo Celebrates the Arts with First Friday

First Friday logo 2

Celebrate First Friday in Downtown Kokomo!  Tour downtown businesses and organizations the first Friday of every month from 6-9 p.m.  Participating venues will highlight a unique and engaging exhibit or special event related to the arts, including Planet Mind, Artworks Gallery, Comics Cubed, Lux Boutique, Pepperwhistle Bakery & Cafe, Bohemian Tattoo Club and Art Gallery, Main Street Cafe, and Angie Meyers Design Studio among many others.

Family-friendly and free, join the fun in Downtown Kokomo with food, local artists, live music, family activities, shopping, tastings, and a celebration of the arts!  Upcoming First Friday events will be held April 5 and May 3, 2013.  For more information and a full schedule of monthly activities, visit www.FirstFridayKokomo.com or visit their Facebook Page.

Angie Meyers Design Studio

Angie Meyers Designs

Main Street Cafe

Main Street Cafe


Artworks Gallery

Artworks Gallery